Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Absense and More ^.^

Sorry I haven't been blogging or on The Sims 3 website for a bit and I have a reason why.I have started school already 0_0 So scary ROFL but anywho....if you guys haven't heard on MyPage on the blog post I wrote a few weeks ago I said because I didn't get much recs for Your Love(4th chapter) so I told everyone if you don't rec in a month,the series is done,so rec now!But I'm so excited for Christmas because I was on eBay a bit tonight and I have a wayyyy better "visual look" of the BioShock 2 SDCC Exclusive Eleanor Lamb(Un-masked)figure pack.I don't know if this is high-quality but whatevs.School is alright so far.I've only been there for 2 days <.<

But yuppp I will do a new post to my art blog now.Make sure to follow that blog as well..Toodles peoples!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

PlayStation Home FEVA ARENA 2010 and more!

In PlayStation Home a long time ago in JAPAN server there was a "Coca Cola" celebration with disco lights and all the members had a marvelous time.

As well Zakumi,the FEVA mascot made a guest appearnece on August 12th for the FEVA closing event.I was there by 1:00 am and never saw him but unfortunantly my good HOME friend was kind enough to feature me in a HOME video.

As well theres a picture of a member in the space,which featured music by Shakira and many others.There was also a FEVA shooting game as well.

More posts will be up!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Going up to down:BioShock Infinite:Columbia scene
BioShock Infinite:Elizabeth/Eleanor *Spoiler?*
BioShock 2:MOD wallpaper by garrysmod
BioShock prop collection (not mine)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New Art Blog

I posted this on MyPage as well but I have a new art blog so visit MyPage to see the blog.Make sure to follow for more art!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A quick trip

I'm goin on a quick trip so I'll post a new chapter to my new story,Your Love.Read the intro here:

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ipod Touch..

Ahh the Ipod Touch.Pure luxury in one electronic..I gotta stop daydreamin.I hope I get on for this years Christmasssss.I've been obsessed with new shiny things.But I'm real busy plannin out my wishlist.I want the SDCC figures and maybe...Borderlands.It looks good.Leave me a comment if it's good!

BioShock 2:NECA Big Sister Eleanor Lamb Figure (Detail) and Impresions and Stuffs

Hey so here is the BioShock 2 Eleanor Lamb exclusive SDCC pack!Icluding a picture I found with more BioShock stuff!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tired And Stuff

Well it's 2:04 am and I am soo bored but tired.I'm listening to thebioshockguy1's BioShock 2 new figure reviews while writing this.The SDCC Eleanor sounds cool as well as all the ones he reviewed but he said splicer's mask barely fits on her face -_- Only like 20$ on eBay but pickin it up when it's cheappperrr.For me to say.Ahh I'm tired.Trying to not fall asleep and drool on the computer desk but I'm going to make this quick..or not *sigh* School is startin soon -_- Boring school.Almsot fall asleep in my desk but when I brought my BioShock 2 Big Sister and Little Sister 2 pack to school everyone loved them.If I get Young Eleanor,SDCC Exclusive and Subjet Delta,I'm bringin them to show that BioShock 2 rocks and I am a freak of it.The Eleanor Big Sister looks good because her hair looks awesomeo and she has a depressed look on her face which is good.I'm excited to get more figures to fiddle around with because with only 2 figures you can't do much so when I get more I'll put the figures in cool posies of my choice.It's sooooo dark in my basement lol.No light because my sista playing RE5 in the dark.Lame.My complizzle in okay but it's good.The only problem I have with it is that it freezes up and if I'm on YouTube or whatevs it closes it off <.> How tragic.But I want to get a new shiny 15" 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 Macbook Pro for myself!Ahh it'd be a dream.A shiny new compizzle.Rexy has one I believe.But FuryRed is great.Her kittay looks just like mine except mine is name Coco!Not Cocoa >=O Lol.Bein a Lil Sister for Halloween this year!Woot!So excited.We found the dress and stuffy so it's ALLL good.Ok I'm goin to go to beddie and I'll finish off this with Coco!She's so hard to resist!She's in a Cinderella dress!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


So as most of you know I put an end to my story To Love Or Not To Love but I promise I'll make a new series on BioShock 2 but it's in Eleanor's POV.It'll take a while for me to make everything and all.I wish they made a Sims 3 BioShock 2 expansion pack with Little Sister drsses,ADAM syringes,Big Daddy dolls,vents,Vita-Chambers and ect.

Christmas and other Rambelings.

I'm so excited for Christmas because I hope to get a PlayStation Move!It's so shiny and new!But I'm so excited if I get a new BioShock 2 figure pack:Young Eleanor and Little Sister.It so coool because I'm collecting BioShock 2 figures.


Friday, August 6, 2010


Hey so my sister (residentevil5lover) is joining YouTube,but wouldn't be cool if they had 100$ PSN CARDS?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Private Servers On Home..

I was om HOME roday with my friends and we all decided to go to the Ward Of Despair game area which is packed no matter what day or what hour.I went inside and notcied something:NO ONE WAS THERE!So I invite my friends and we enter.